The Rugged Maniac!

Posted on by Kris

Not that this post has much relevance to wine and furthering your knowledge of it, but I thought you might possibly appreciate these photos.

The Rugged Maniac mud race took place this past weekend down in Green Cove Springs, and for some reason I was convinced to participate, along with my wife and a bunch of my very close friends.  I ran before her at 9am, so fortunately there aren’t as many pictures of me, since I was the one holding the camera.


My wife before the race; of course I politely asked her to wear a logo’d t-shirt for! She politely agree, and then not so politely customized it.IMG_5850

Trying to hide my pre-race nerves. Either side of me, my good friends Miss Leanne Kamajian (left) and Mrs. Lavender Morrison (right).

Rugged Maniac 2 copy



And we’re off!



The most fun part of the race!

Denise Sliding




Rugged Maniac


This part sucked.




The Mrs., ducking under the barbed wire.




Yup, that t-shirt is ruined!





My best friend Mr Adam Bartoy. His face tells a thousand words.


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