A Zin by any Other Name!

Posted on by Kris

With today being #Zinfandel Day on Twitter, I thought it only appropriate that I brush up on my Zinfandel synonyms! Here we go:
Crljenak Kaštelanski, Gioia Del Colle, Morellone, Plavac Veliki, Primaticcio, Primativo, Primitivo, Primitivo Di Gioia, Primitivo Nero, Uva Della Pergola, Uva Di Corato, Black St. Peters, Zenfendal, Zinfardel, Zinfindal, Taranto, Zeinfandall, Zinfardell, Zinfindel, Zinfandal.


Try saying all those after drinking a bottle of Earthquake!

Earthquake Zinfandel by Michael David Winery

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